Moman Ideas

Choosing and using tips of lighting for video interview
Why do you need lighting for video interviews?

Video lighting equipment: How to find the best at Moman PhotoGears Store?
How to choose the video lighting equipment that is perfect for your recording?

Guide and ideas: How to build your studio light setup?
This blog lists five ideas for a studio light setup.

Buyer guide: What to consider when choosing a portable studio light?
Ask yourself five questions before buying a portable studio light

How to use your home studio lights and set up properly?
How to choose and set up studio lights at home?

Buyer Guide to light for studio video of COLBOR
Which is the best type of light for studio video to buy?

Things that you have to notice when using studio lights outdoors
This blog will tell you things that should be known and cared about when using studio lights outdoors

A guide to the specification of the best budget LED studio lights
What should we value and notice when buying a LED studio lights?

Why and when to use small light in video production?
Small light is quite important in video production. It features advantages like portability, easy setup and can be used in different situations.